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Mitigation Progress: Test. Fix. Save A Life.

A diagram of the mitigation process for Radon.
Image courtesy of

Through a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration Grant Program, Rock Hill Housing Authority (RHHA) is working to complete mitigation steps to reduce the levels of radon gas at some RHHA property locations.

RHHA undertook a comprehensive program that involved testing 337 ground-floor units to determine if increased levels of radon gas were present. The radon testing program was provided free of charge to RHHA residents.

Radon is a naturally occurring, cancer-causing, radioactive gas that you cannot see, smell, or taste. Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water and finds its way into homes through cracks and holes in the foundation, construction joints, and plumbing fixtures. Any home can have a radon problem. However, homes in York County have an elevated risk of radon gas, based on test results from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Test. Fix. Save A Life.
RHHA is working with professional contractors to perform mitigation steps to reduce the levels of the harmful radon gas and exposure for residents.

Mitigation efforts are ongoing and are expected to be completed in the coming months.

For more information on the Rock Hill Housing Authority's Radon Testing and Mitigation Program, please visit